Who Manufactures Citycocos?

Who Manufactures Citycocos?

Unfortunately there isn’t one clear manufacturer of citycocos whose number you can call and ask for one.

There are a variety of citycoco manufacturers in China, making often similar designs. Whilst they all make fairly similar designs, no one factory owns the design. It is also not uncommon for factories to purchase citycoco parts from competing factories. Factories enter and leave the citycoco market frequently. It is quite easy to purchase the parts required and assemble them if you have a production line and workers set up for similar items (such as escooters or ebikes). Designs will also change fairly quickly within factories, and they quickly follow changes made by other factories.

This is partly due to China’s more relaxed attitude to intellectual property law, and the ferocious competition in manufacturing there. This ecosystem is sometimes described as ‘Shanzhai’ by western media, and is described in more detail here and here.

So while there are some clear models of citycoco, each model will often have a wide variety of manufacturers, with likely small differences between manufacturers and also of the same manufacturers’ products over time.

This all makes identifying a manufacturer and model quite difficult. Models are updated frequently and iteratively and might not be labelled as such. If you have a citycoco, and it came with Certificate of Conformity, you can find the manufacturer’s name there, although this will likely be the assembler, who may or may not have had that much to do with the components.

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